This year 2021 makes it exactly 22 years since the return of democracy in Nigeria. Somolu Local Government has always been one of the most peaceful place due to the great unity and immense understanding between the leaders.

As against the expectations of all APC party members in the Local Government that the LGA electoral officers going to Somolu LG from the State Secretariat should go directly to the LGA Secretariat, which is believed to be the main place the election materials should be dispersed to the wards; the election materials and officials were hijacked and forcefully taken to the Council Chairman’s office.

This is totally absurd and demeaning to all party faithfuls waiting earnestly for the materials to be dispatched peacefully at the party Secretariat. On noticing the foul play, the LGA Excos went straight to the Local Government council to meet with the electoral officers. Addressing them, the LGA secretary, Mr. Akile told the officers from state you have come to the wrong place and immediately asked them to take the materials to the LGA Secretariat immediately as the representatives from all the wards and the leaders are waiting for them. But Hon. Salau who is the incumbent chairman and Aspirant in this same election forcefully held them down in the Council premises.

After brief argument as to the way forward because the party’s guidelines as set out must be followed squarely, everything must happen only at the party Secretariat.

The Chairman refused to listen to the explanations of party leaders and announced that he has cancelled the election. This is the election he is also an Aspirant, this can only happen in a lawless nation.

Speaking with some party faithfuls at the Council to know why the Chairman acted this way, Continental Eye gathered that the Chairman who is also an Aspirant is afraid of the crowd waiting to vote at the various wards, because as at 9:30am this morning, hundreds of party faithfuls have gathered at the wards chanting BOWALE, BOWALE. Hon. BOWALE is the current Vice Chairman of the local government and the only aspirant vying for the same Chairmanship sit.

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