“…. always imbibe the lessons learnt in the holy month…

Member representing the good people of Somolu Federal Constituency, Hon. Ademorin Kuye today felicitate with our Muslim brothers and sisters in Nigeria especially in Somolu Federal Constituency, Lagos.

In his submission at his Lagos residence today, he urged the muslim faithfuls to continue displaying the wonderful teachings of peace and love of Prophet Muhammed (SAW).

According to him, “the time to allow peace and love of God to reign is now, the teachings of the great Prophet should always be our guide, not only during ramadan period.

Ramadan period is to remind us of the teachings of our great Prophet (SAW), but it behoves on us to continue imbibing the lessons learnt in the holy period, this will aid progress and lasting unity in our nation.

I celebrate with you all and pray that may God give us the privilege to witness more in sound health and wealth.

Eid-el-Fitri to you all.”
-Hon. Kuye

Hon. Kuye has since Saturday May 8 till yesterday the 13th of May, 2021 been organizing prayers for both Muslims and Christians at the Constituency office to pray for the peace, unity and progress of our nation, especially in Somolu Federal Constituency.


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